On the morning of May 18th, the beach harmonization team, led by EDSA, held an initial beach harmonization workshop with the Nassau County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). At the workshop EDSA presented their initial inventory and analysis of the seven beach parks being studied on Amelia Island for the Beach Park Harmonization project. That evening, EDSA hosted an open house for the community to showcase the analysis and inventory and to gather input relating to the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for each park and the beach park system as a whole.
Whether or not you were able to attend the community workshop you are invited to share feedback via a digital platform called Miro. The online platform will be available for your input through the end of June. At this site you will find each of the inventory and analysis slides for all beach parks within the study, along with several slides of character imagery to provide ideas of potential uses at the parks. Please feel free to leave virtual sticky notes with your comments, concerns, or suggestions. There are also yellow stars (interested) and red circles (not interested) to place on/near character imagery that you like/dislike. This input will help give the EDSA team a basis for their design recommendations in the next phase.
Community feedback and involvement is a key component that will give the EDSA team a solid foundation on principles that will drive their proposed designs for our beach parks. You may also use the contact us form on this website to provide additional insights. We look forward to your feedback!